What to Know About Spray Foam Insulation Retrofitting
If you’re thinking of retrofitting your home with spray foam insulation, there are a few things you should know. Today, we’ll talk more about what spray foam insulation is, how it works, and some of the benefits you can expect from retrofitting your home...
Common Causes of High Energy Bills and How to Lower Them
Homeowners across Canada are all too familiar with the frustration of opening their energy bills and seeing a number that’s much higher than they were expecting. There are a number of factors that can contribute to high energy bills, but fortunately there are...
What is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?
One of the benefits of spray foam insulation in Victoria is its radon-blocking properties. But exactly what is radon, and why is it so dangerous? WHAT IS RADON? This naturally occurring gas is produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, water, and rock. It is...