Ground Sealing: Its Purpose and Benefits
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
When it comes to building construction and maintenance, an often overlooked yet crucial aspect is ground sealing. Ground sealing involves creating a barrier to prevent the movement of gases, vapors, and moisture from the ground into a structure. In today’s blog post,...

Spray Foam Insulation and Summer: What You Need to Know
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
As summer approaches and temperatures rise, many homeowners worry about the cost of running their air conditioning systems to keep their homes cool. However, an often-overlooked solution can help reduce those costs: spray foam insulation in Victoria. What is Spray...

Tips for Choosing the Right Insulation Contractor
May 8, 2024 | Batt, Blown-in, Spray Foam
Choosing the right insulation contractor is crucial to ensure proper insulation installation and maximize the benefits of home insulation. When selecting an insulation contractor in Victoria, it's essential to consider their experience, reputation, and certifications....

Common Misconceptions About Spray Foam Insulation: Debunked
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
If you're like Many homeowners, you might not be entirely familiar with spray foam insulation or what makes it a good option for many homes. Further, you might even have heard some misconceptions about spray foam insulation that have kept you from taking the plunge...

Spray Foam Insulation and Home Value: What You Need to Know
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
Any time a homeowner makes a considerable upgrade to their home, they account for its impact on the home's value. In the case of retrofitting a home with spray foam insulation in Victoria, homeowners are curious about the effect this will have on their home's value if...

Spring Cleaning Your Attic and Tips for Checking Your Insulation for Issues
May 8, 2024 | Batt, Blown-in, Spray Foam
It's that time of year! Finally, spring is here, and it's time to start thinking about spring-cleaning your attic. A few simple steps make for an easier, more efficient process. Along with tips for spring cleaning your attic, we're also going to cover another...

4 Spray Foam Problems You Might Encounter if You Don’t Rely on Experts
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
Today, we'll tell you four of the most common problems with amateur spray foam insulation installation to highlight the importance of relying on experts like HD Horne Spray Foam and Insulation. The four most common problems we see and hear about are: THE SPRAY FOAM...

3 Benefits of Using Clean Energy in Your Home
May 8, 2024 | Batt, Blown-in, Spray Foam
There are all different types of clean energy that can be used in your home. And the advantages of using them are pretty incredible if you ask us! In fact, clean energy in homes is becoming more and more popular because of the benefits it allows. Let’s run through...

Why 2023 is a Great Year to Get Spray Foam Insulation in Victoria
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
As a homeowner in Victoria, it’s likely that you’ve given some thought to the insulation in your home and some ways to keep moisture out. If this is something you’ve been putting off, there truly is no time like the present! 2023 is the perfect year to finally get...

What to Know About Spray Foam Insulation Retrofitting
May 8, 2024 | Spray Foam
If you're thinking of retrofitting your home with spray foam insulation, there are a few things you should know. Today, we'll talk more about what spray foam insulation is, how it works, and some of the benefits you can expect from retrofitting your home with this...